OpenShift on your Linux Desktop/Laptop – Complete Walkthrough

Note: – This walkthrough uses Fedora 30 and uses a desktop so would work for similar configurations. Also you need to have atleast 4vCPUs, 9GB RAM and 35GB disk space. The RAM is a hard stop so make sure you have around 10GB on the Desktop/Laptop that you are...

Deploy nginx on IBM Cloud in 4 steps (and less than 4 minutes)

Prerequisite – This guide assumes that you already have a kubernetes cluster running on IBM cloud. If not you can create one following this guide. 1. Click on create new resource on your Kubernetes dashboard. 2. While in the create from input section, click on...

In 5 easy steps – Create a Kubernetes cluster on IBM Cloud

Do you want to try out Kubernetes on IBM Cloud for free? Read along for step by step instructions! (Disclaimer – Note that for some geographies, you might have to provide a credit card for a free trial but you still won’t be charged for the free tier that...

Cloud Computing and Data Center Modernization

Do I need cloud computing?The evolution of technology in this age is geared towards rapid development and “self-healing” techniques.Businesses are implementing newer technologies much faster than ever before. As slower adaptation would mean losing market...

Backup and Recovery

Backups keep your data safe and protected! Hardware failures such as defective hard disks, sudden system errors after a program update, Computer Viruses, Ransomwares and Trojans are only a few of the threats against computer data. Sudden data loss can easily cause...